Would you like to include a gift to Food Bank of Alaska in your will?

You can continue your support for feeding hungry Alaskans by making a gift in your will. This may be your largest donation, but it costs you very little now. Talk with your will preparer about how you want to describe your gift (for example, a percentage or a set amount) and direct it to Food Bank of Alaska, a nonprofit organization located at 2192 Viking Drive, Anchorage, AK 99501, Federal Tax ID # 92-0073175, for Food Bank of Alaska’s general use and purpose.

Other ways to leave a legacy

You can name Food Bank of Alaska as a beneficiary or contingent beneficiary on a life insurance policy or your IRA, 401(k), or other retirement investment. Since your loved ones who inherit non-Roth IRAs or retirement accounts may have to pay income taxes on that gift, but a qualified charity would not, making Food Bank of Alaska a beneficiary of all or part of a retirement asset is something to consider in your planning, and is a way to make your generosity go further.

Please let us know your plans.

If you have made a legacy gift, we would appreciate knowing so we can show you how your gift makes a difference and, with your permission, recognize you as a member of our Red Heart Society. This group celebrates the generosity of those who have chosen to leave a legacy, bringing us closer to a hunger-free Alaska.

To discuss a legacy gift, please contact Jenny Di Grappa, Chief of Philanthropy and Community Relations, at 907-222-3102, jdigrappa@foodbankofalaska.org.

Food Bank of Alaska encourages you to consult a financial planner or estate attorney for expert advice.